Is the ACT Worth It?


Jalil Smith, Reporter

College is usually the next big step after High School. If you want to get a job or want to learn a particular subject extensively, college is the next course of action. However, multiple things are required before going. These advanced schools require a great GPA, a high school diploma, and an ACT score. Even though these standardized tests are needed, do students really need to take them?

In order to answer this question, students must first know what these tests are. The ACT is similar to KITE in that you answer a certain amount of questions to receive a score. With this score, you can choose what colleges you can send them to. These scores are what colleges use to determine your worth. A high score (24 – 36) has more of a chance of getting into a college compared to a low score (0 – 23). For example, in order to get into Kansas State University (KSU) and University of Kansas an ACT score of at least 21 is required, to get into Harvard you need a 33 and Pittsburg State University also wants a 21 .

The ACT is only worth it if you plan on going to college. If after high school you want to immediately go into the workforce, an ACT score is usually not needed. However, when filling out your resume, it would help if you provided an ACT score. Jobs also use this score to determine your worth. This is especially prominent if you’re trying to get into “entry level” jobs.

If you plan on starting your own business after high school, the ACT is not needed. You do not need to take a test that only gets you into college if you want to make your own money. 

These standardized tests could possibly be a waste of time and money if you do not plan on going to college. If you want to test your skills though, then the ACT is for you.