Band Finally Gets a Normal Marching Season


Junior Carter Stokes plays along with the band during one of their block day rehearsals.

Sydney Slaton, Journalist

This fall the marching band finally gets to return to normal after the crazy season they had last year. 

Due to the pandemic, last year’s marching season was modified to protect the students. These modifications, however, cut the season short and over half of the rehearsals were virtual. Understandably, many students were eager to get back to normal.

“Getting to see my friends in band and getting to see them face to face, not just over a screen,” Junior Allison Hartzog said. 

Many members who joined the marching band last year, like Hartzog, are finally getting a taste of what marching season really looks like. One of the major parts of the band is practices, and Hartzog says practicing in-person “makes a really big difference.” 

“The biggest difference was we really had a lot more time together as a band, we didn’t just have to do it over Zoom,” Hartzog said.

Hartzog isn’t the only member excited to have a normal marching season. Junior Abigail Hubbard also disliked the virtual rehearsals saying “[they] basically couldn’t practice” over Zoom. 

“It just kind of sucked the fun out of it, not being able to be with other people in-person. It’s just so much more fun when you can be in-person,” Hubbard said.

Even a whole year later, last season’s virtual rehearsals are still causing problems this year. According to Hubbard “75% of the band hasn’t marched” and having to teach that group of people made getting started this year a lot more difficult. 

“Just not being able to meet everyone and play together in-person, it made a really big impact on the performance and everyone in band,” Hartzog said. 

Now that rehearsals are in-person many are looking forward to everything the season has to offer, including performances and meeting new people. 

“[I’m most looking forward to] Getting to see my friends in band and getting to see them face to face, not just over a screen,” Hartzog said.

While many band members from all grades are excited about in-person rehearsals, many veteran members are excited to put all that practice to use. 

“I love the competitions. It’s not necessarily the competing part of it, it’s like the event of the competition because you get to spend a whole day with the band family and it’s just so much fun to be a part of that. It’s a great experience,” Hubbard said. 

Even with the challenges last season brought, the band is still just as close as ever and is even more excited to get this season started. 

“Playing music and hanging out with my friends is something I’m really looking forward to,” Hartzog said.