The Effects of Global Warming on The Environmental Ecosystem

Elijah Nichols, Reporter

The crisis of global warming has become a well-conversed topic among scientists and researchers alike. We, as a society, are slowly harming and killing the planet with greenhouse gases and pollution methods like dumping waste chemicals.

While scientists and ecologists have been involved in the research and management of the environment, they still have to deal with the uncertainty of the several components linked to global environmental changes.

Multiple studies have proven that global warming is directly related to humans and human-caused ecological problems.

Humans and their actions are majorly responsible for causing all types of pollution in the environment. Oil spills primarily cause water pollution from big corporations, urban runoff from chemical weed killers, and ocean dumping affecting the lives of animals as well as the coral reefs. Air pollution arises from the burning of fossil fuels, hydraulic fracturing, and gases emitted by vehicles, although carpooling could save that problem.

The environment its self can not destroy itself only people can. A key example is when ecologists look at uncivilized islands or protected areas where the climate is flourishing with beauty and richness. A untampered environment often has a fair balance of creation and destruction.

An ecological study found that the world has hit such a point in environmental destruction that it would take at least ten years to rebuild the environment that humans have destroyed.

Three of the well-documented global changes are increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, alterations in the biogeochemistry of the global nitrogen cycle, and ongoing land use/land cover change. These primarily ecological changes all have significant environmental consequences.

“Human activity–now primarily fossil fuel combustion– has increased carbon dioxide concentrations from °280 to 355 mL/L since 1800; the increase is unique, at least in the past 160000 yrs., and several lines of evidence demonstrate unequivocally that it is human-caused this increase is likely to have climatic consequences–and indeed, it has direct effects on biota in all Earth’s terrestrial ecosystems. The global nitrogen cycle has been altered by human activity to such an extent that more nitrogen is fixed annually by humanity (primarily for nitrogen fertilizer, also by legume crops and as a by-product of fossil fuel combustion) than by all-natural pathways combined.” according to the Environmental Society of America

The ecosystem that has been hit the hardest is the oceanic ecosystem. The fish and other sea creatures are starting to hit their thermal limits. What’s going to do the damage to fish in the ocean are extreme events when temperatures spike for a month or two. Even if the temperatures return to normal, the damage is done for the next ten years

This added nitrogen alters the chemistry of the atmosphere, and aquatic ecosystems contribute to eutrophication of the biosphere and have substantial regional effects on biological diversity in the most affected areas. Finally, human land use/land cover change has transformed one.

Earth’s ice-free surface. The warming is deteriorating the polar caps, which is causing the ecosystem to have more inconsistent and fluctuating temperatures.

“More than 100 countries have adopted a global warming limit of 2 °C or below (relative to pre-industrial levels) as a guiding principle for mitigation efforts to reduce climate change risks, impacts, and damages. However, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions corresponding to specified maximum warming are poorly known owing to uncertainties in the carbon cycle and the climate response.” according to a Harvard Journal

Human existence and the course of our choices have proved to contribute immensely to the warming and destruction of the Earth. If we do not take care of the Earth there will be no Earth left.