Students take state awards in journalism contest
This is the editorial cartoon that Megan Pham, senior, received an honorable mention for at the state KSPA contest.
May 17, 2018
Journalism and yearbook students recently placed in the KSPA (Kansas Scholastic Press Association) competition in various writing, editing, and cartooning contests.
Tristan Allen, junior, received second place in the headline category, and Alex Burbidge, freshman, received an honorable mention in the same division. Megan Pham, senior, received an honorable mention in the editorial cartoon category and Parker Erickson, senior, received an honorable mention in advertising.
Audrey Caudle, Anna Scarlett, Megan Duffield, Gabby Turvey, and Evan Kauffman, seniors, also competed at KSPA but did not place.
According to Allen, the headline portion was a “fun little mental exercise” because students can’t “reuse the same word, and you have to make it fit the space.”
Students competed on Saturday, May 6, against only 5A and 6A schools. Some competed on site at the University of Kansas and some competed by sending in electronic submissions.
There were four regions for the 5A/6A regional competition, and each region could qualify six students. Therefore, each student placed out of around 24 others.
The students were judged by professional journalists.
Results for the entire contest are on KSPA’s website.