Students ‘impress’ judges at their first ethics bowl

South students attended their first ethics bowl on Feb. 6.

Emily Cords, Reporter

Ruth Ann Falls, ethics teacher, took five students to this year’s Missouri High School Ethics Bowl on Saturday, Feb. 6, in Columbia, Mo. at Columbia College.

Falls sponsored the students in a high school division in the ethics bowl where teenagers can discuss ethical problems in a professional environment.

Maddie Brown, Kirsten Herzog, Sarah Grafke, Will Smith, and Andrew Oberholtzer, sophomores, all participated and went up against many juniors and seniors, which was a challenge.

“It was very hard work to prepare for this tournament because they had to prepare for all 15 ethical cases,” Falls said.

Judges only pick one winner, and it was the team that South beat in the first round, but the judges were very impressed with their work and “highly encouraged them to come back next year,” Falls said.

To participate in the next regional ethics bowl, a student needs to have taken Ethics I and be a PCA member here.

Next year they hope to field another team and win regionals so they can go to nationals and compete.