Staff provides keys to success

Alyssa Hoedl, Co-Editor

For freshmen, the first semester of high school can be scary. Being the small fish in the pond instead of the big fish can be pretty daunting.

Adding in AP classes, three grades of upperclassmen and finals can be overwhelming and the freshmen don’t get much guidance from the upperclassmen usually.

So, the staff has a few things to tell freshmen that they wish they would have known when they were freshmen to try to make the transition a little easier.

A main piece of advice that almost everyone surveyed said was that getting an “A” in a class is a lot harder in high school than in middle school. If you get a “B,” it is not the end of the world.

Taking a lot of different types of classes is something else the staff says to do. Broadening your horizons by participating in classes like Jewelry/Metals, Forensics, and Horticulture are ways to get out of your comfort zone.

A piece of advice not related to schoolwork is that some of the friends you make will come and go, but the ones who stick around the longest are the ones you want in your life. The friends you come into high school with may not be the same ones you come out of high school with.

The last piece of advice the staff has is to not stress too much about freshman year. Freshman year still counts, though, so don’t slack off. Have fun and enjoy high school.