Young athletes drive coaches’ excitement

Kellianne Lopez

Jon Renberger, head tennis coach

Jake Anderson, Sports Co-Editor

Coaching any sports team is a big commitment to make. On top of being a coach, most are teachers either here, or around the district. This means on top of their coaching responsibilities, they have to take care of grading assignments and making their lesson plans.

These people not only have a limited amount of leisure time, but they also have the stress of dealing with parents, fans, referees and other coaches.

So why on earth do these people come back to coach?

Kristen Ramshaw, gymnastics coach, was a gymnast for years, which is what influenced her to begin her coaching career.

“It’s so fun to see the girls improve and compete,” Ramshaw said, “It brings back nostalgia.”

Ramshaw has been the assistant coach for 18 years and has been the head coach for two years. The team has a lot of potential this year and she is excited to see their improvement.

Ken Talcott, volleyball coach, has had a passion for volleyball ever since he was in high school. He started coaching in 1969 and will continue to coach as long as he’s still having fun.

“When it becomes work is when I’ll stop,” Talcott said.

His philosophy is to go 100 percent all the time and to have no regrets. Talcott is more on the quieter side of coaches, that is, until intense moments. “It depends on the kid on how you coach them,” Talcott said, “If a kid needs you to get them fired up, you have to do it. If a kid needs one-on-one quiet coaching, you have to do it.”

Jon Renberger, girls tennis coach, wanted to coach close to home; that’s why he chose Olathe South. “I played tennis and enjoyed the sport,” Renberger said. “I got the opportunity out of college to be a coach.” His philosophy is that players need to prepare and compete to the best of their ability and improve every day.

Coaches of all sports may have different philosophies, but mainly they have one common goal: to see their athletes grow.

What makes coaching worth your time?

Ken Talcott, volleyball: “Seeing improvement and having fun doing it. Also, seeing [players] go to the collegiate level.”

Jon Renberger, tennis: “I played tennis and enjoyed the sport. I got an opportunity out of college to be a head coach.”

Kristin Ramshaw, gymnastics: “It’s the funnest sport ever. Seeing the girls compete brings back nostalgia.”

Jeff Gourley, football: “Watching kids get better at football and watching them mature. Sports is the ultimate classroom. You can transfer athletic ability to academic output.”