How to successfully tackle finals this year


Aysiah Loving, Reporter

Having trouble coping with upcoming finals?

Several upperclassmen revealed tips for first time final takers. Tip number one was not to procrastinate when studying.

“Always prepare early. Don’t put off studying until the last minute,” Allison Loper, junior, said.

Lexi Wegner, junior, agreed that it is crucial to get a head start on studying for finals.

“It’s important to study weeks in advance, even without a study guide. Just review early,” Wegner said.

Cody Hutton, junior, also thinks it is best to prepare for finals early in the year.

“When preparing for finals, students should not wait until the week of to start studying,” Hutton said.

Although it might seem difficult, Andrew Oberholtzer, junior, expressed that it is significant to make time for studying.

“It is hard to motivate myself to cope with the monotony of everyday study, but I know not to procrastinate because grades count. Why push aside something that counts for such a high portion of your grade?” Oberholtzer said.

Finals can certainly be considered difficult and stressful, so many students have developed various methods to study and prepare, which might make finals week go by more smoothly.

“A method I use to memorize things is to repeat three times reading the material and three times without reading,” Christina Sirivongxay, junior, said.

Hutton and Loper create flashcards.

Jensen Kiesow, senior, admitted to having an interesting study habit.

“I like to chew gum while studying so I won’t get distracted,” Kiesow said.

According to Sirivongxay, another way to effectively prepare for finals is studying with friends and/or family.

“I think people should get into study groups. Take advantage of a public place like Starbucks,” Sirivongxay said.

The last tip students suggested for preparing for finals is to simply take a breath and remain calm.

“Don’t panic about finals. They are just another test that just covers everything you have learned in the year,” Jordan Heim, junior, said.

So when preparing for finals this year, students should remember not to procrastinate, to create useful study tactics, to study with friends and to relax.