Spotify vs. SoundCloud

Easton Best, Writer

Music is something that means a lot to almost everyone. Spotify and SoundCloud are some of the biggest music streaming services. Which one of those two is the best to use to listen to music? It all depends on what the user prefers. Both SoundCloud and Spotify are pretty different business models. SoundCloud has 76 million registered users and 175 million monthly listeners. At the end of 2021, Spotify had 406 million monthly active users, including 180 million premium subscribers and 226 million ad-supported i.e. free listeners. Spotify obviously has the most listeners and users. That’s because if you are just trying to listen to mainstream music, Spotify is the best way to go. It is more user friendly. Sounds have better sound quality. How does soundcloud even survive if spotify has all these benefits. It is because SoundCloud has something Spotify does not have. It is 100 times easier to upload music. It’s a great thing for a starting artist. Even if you don’t make music you can post podcasts. Lots of people get discovered and blown up on SoundCloud. When it comes to variety SoundCloud also wins. It has more songs uploaded then spotify. Even though some of them are lower quality. A user can discover new artists that they love, but if using spotify they would have never had the opportunity to find them. If you compare Spotify to SoundCloud, Spotify would win in most ways. It just depends on what type of music you are in. As far as how the companys are doing money wise. In the Spotify user statistics, in the fourth quarter of 2021, the number of Spotify monthly active users is around 406 million. This marked an increase of over 60 million in just a year.