Pinterest provides creative outlet through pins and boards

Reagan DeVinney, Reporter

Pinterest is a free app and website that allows its users to share and add images. All one  has to do to start their own page is to sign up through email or Facebook.

Some of the most popular boards are hair, fashion, food, sports and humor. It has about 70 million users throughout the world. About 80 percent are female, but there are males that enjoy the site as well.

“I like Pinterest because I like to find new things that I have never thought of before,” Hannah Eddings, junior, said.

Pinterest allows its users to follow boards as well as other people’s accounts. Users can see what they are pinning, and usually it is easier to find things that they like through their pins and boards.

If the user doesn’t want to pin something, she can add it to her likes by clicking the heart button.

“Pinterest is a great way to gain ideas and you can get really creative when looking at future home ideas, crafts and gifts for friends,” Molly Neyens, junior, said.

The site not only provides a great pastime, but it also is useful. Users can find gift ideas, learn how to do DIY projects, and even get fashion inspiration for the upcoming seasons and trends.

Most pinners range from having 10 boards to hundreds of boards. The user has the capability of creating boards, naming them, and editing them whenever she pleases.

“I have 15 boards, and I only joined Pinterest one month ago,” Eddings said.

If the user doesn’t know whom to follow or doesn’t find what one is looking for right away, he/she can search key words in the search bar and all the options that relate will pop up. Even if one is looking for specific boards or pinners, they can still search them.

“I like to look at quotes and humor; the pins give me something to think about,” Moira Frakes, junior, said.

Humor is one of the most viewed boards. People of all ages have been pinning pins to their humor boards.

The great thing about Pinterest is that it is customized to the user. The person with the account has the capability to only look at what she likes, pin what she wants, and name her boards with unique names that fit her personality.

“I have over 1,600 pins, and I am following 217 people,” Neyens said.

Pinners can follow thousands of people and when following them, the user usually gets followed back. It’s a great way to build up the account.

Pinterest is a site that provides not only a pastime for users, but it’s a great way to get new ideas and inspirations for one’s life.