Foreign Exchange Student: Zoe Ramirez
September 15, 2021
Zoe Ramirez is a foreign exchange student from Köln, Germany. She is staying here until June. I asked her some questions, I’m sure all of us Americans were wondering… What is your favorite part about America so far? she responded, “I like the football games, and that you even have football games, and the grocery store, it is so big, I love it. And Starbucks, you have them everywhere, and we don’t. Ramirez said. “There is but one, in the whole city.”
Ramirez experienced significant culture shock in coming to America.
“Oh boy, you use so much plastic. And you don’t have public transportation, and we have it everywhere and it’s like you’re very dependent on having a car or like driving with your parents or something. Something that also shocked me was the drinking age.” Ramirez said.
For those who don’t know, the drinking age in Germany is 16 years old.
Moving on to food Ramirez said in regards to German food, “Oh my goodness, I don’t really have a favorite food, but I like that we eat pretty healthy.”
However, when it came to American food, Ramirez found it impossible to choose.
“Why would you ask such difficult questions? I don’t know, you have so much fast food here, that’s so cool! And I like tacos, we made tacos and I liked them.” Ramirez said.
Disclaimer, she has had a taco before, but she likes American tacos better.
Ramirez is looking forward to all of the unique American experiences and opportunities.
“I’m very much looking forward to the dances like, homecoming and prom. I’m looking forward to graduation, the football games. CHRISTMAS, oh my goodness, with the lights, yeah that’s so cool and Halloween.” Ramirez said.
So far, Ramirez has gone shopping, been to downtown KC, town center in Leawood, soccer games and has joined the tennis team. Her favorite class is jewelry and metals. In Germany they don’t have fun classes and electives like schools in America.
And fun fact: “V Wie War Dein Tag? means “How was your day?” in German.