Netflix is bringing back beloved movies from many people’s childhood to binge watch while staying home.
Earlier this year in March Netflix brought back “Goodfellas,” “Hugo” and “Haywire” for everyone to binge watch during the early days of the pandemic. In April alone Netflix put 17 more movies on their roster, like the “Matrix” trilogy or “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” All the new releases were much needed as everyone was stuck inside to avoid the coronavirus.
Over this year Netflix has released many more classic movies. Joining the long list of movies to watch on the platform are “Shawshank Redemption,” “True Grit” and Indiana Jones movies like “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” “Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom” and “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.” Netflix has even brought back movies from as early as the 1940’s like “The Stranger” and “Bambi.”
A few movies even came out on streaming services early since nobody was going to theaters. We all remember movies like “Frozen 2” and “Onward” coming to Disney Plus earlier than expected but there aren’t as many movies being released early on Netflix. Sure, they put out “The Trial of the Chicago 7,” a Netflix original, early but other than that it seems movie studios are turning to other streaming services to release their movies early if they aren’t doing too well in theaters. This could be because other platforms like Amazon Video require that users pay to rent a movie everytime they want to watch it, which likely gives the studios more money.
With 2020 finally coming to an end Netflix is bringing back even more old movies. This Dec. they’ll be putting out favorites like, “Jurassic Park,” “Monster House” and a movie I watched as a kid, despite the fact it came out in the 80’s, “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.” As always, I’m sure Dec. will bring all of the Netflix original Christmas movies for binge watching over the holidays.
I’ll admit, I haven’t seen all the movies that I’ve mentioned in this article. With Netflix’s seemingly never ending list of movies it’s impossible to watch all of them, but with Netflix bringing back all the old movies everyone loves, I’ll have to try. Hopefully Netflix keeps releasing more of the classics in the new year. Happy binge watching!