Benefits of a Positive Mindset
December 1, 2020
Studies show that “focusing on blessings” rather than “focusing on negative” has positive effects on the brain. Shutting out the negative is really good towards mental health. Focusing on the positive does not mean drowning out your negative emotions and faking a smile or it simply means to think positively about life around you. When feeling down, do something that makes you happy and distract yourself from these negative thoughts. Try not to neglect your feelings or hide when you are sad, it’s okay to cry every now and then;
Self-talk can be a form of positive thinking. Self-talk is an endless stream of unspoken thoughts that run through your head. These thoughts can be positive or negative.
Focusing on the positives of life does a lot for you as a person, such as stimulating the growth of nerve connections, increasing mental productivity, improving your ability to analyze and think, changing your view of your surroundings, and even causing more happy thoughts. This can change your home, school, and even work attitude. It also lowers rates of depression. Don’t feel like you have to change who you are as a person. A positive mindset takes some time to build up, so don’t give up.
An example of creating a positive mindset is going from “I’m not getting any better anyways” to “okay, let’s give this another shot,” or even “this is impossible!” to “it’s worth a try.”
Start small with positive thinking and build your way up simply by saying “i can do this.” Spending time with positive people is another good way to start. Challenging situations and obstacles are a part of life, it’s okay to have bad days.