Students plan for summer vacations


Aysiah Loving, Reporter

What time is it? That’s right. It’s summer time.

Throughout the summer, students are planning to live it up.

The popular thing students are doing this summer is traveling.

“I have plans to travel around the states. Florida, California, Nebraska, and maybe more,” Crystal Nguyen, sophomore, said.

Kajsa Messmer, junior, is also taking a couple trips this summer.

“I am planning on going to Branson with my best friend, Audrey, and to Colorado with my family,” Messmer said.

As this is the senior’s last summer break, many are planning to celebrate.

“The first trip I’m taking this summer is to Canada with my grandma and brother as my senior trip,” Dentan Adams, senior, said.

Breanna Jorgensen, senior, is also excited to be taking a senior trip.

“I’m going on one trip in July. I’m going to Houston, Texas with my friend, Lindsay,” Jorgensen said.

Not only are students travelling this summer, but many are planning to rack up money by earning an honest paycheck.

“I’ll be working with my family business and as a lifeguard,” Joseph Pippins, senior, said.

Chris Montes-De Oca, senior, is also looking forward to a working this summer.

“I’ll be moving and working as a teller at Bank of America,” Montes-De Oca said.

Some students are continuing with extra-curricular school activities this summer.

“I’m going to Internationals with the school play, ‘Trap,’ and nationals for dance towards the beginning of the summer,” Megan Secrest, senior, said.

Some seniors will be gearing up for the next step beyond high school.

“I will be preparing a lot for ROTC next year. I will be running, weight lifting, and swimming so I can build up water confidence,” Jillian Hayne, senior, said.

As many students are excited to keep busy throughout the summer, many are also looking forward to relax and soak up the sun.

“I don’t plan on taking any trips this summer, but I am excited to hangout and watch all of the popular movies that will be coming out,’ Malyssa Wethered, junior, said.

Although Trey Dunn, senior, is taking a trip to Florida, he is looking forward to a carefree summer.

“For my last high school summer, I’ll probably just be hanging around with friends every single day finding new stuff to do, finding new places to go,” Dunn said.