What all guys should understand—

Sion Worley, Reporter

Sexual harassment has been an issue between men and women for years; it is not just a recent issue.

In 1981, the Harvard Business Review survey received 1,800 responses from its subscribers on the issue.

The survey revealed that both men and women mostly agree on what harassment is, but they disagree strongly on how frequently it occurs.

Two-thirds of the men vs. one third of the women thought that sexual harassment in the workplace is “greatly exaggerated.”

But according to a report by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission from June 2016, 75 percent of harassment incidents go unreported due to fear of retaliation—and the majority of those harassed are women and the harassers are men.

Recent stories in the news regarding men like Harvey Weinstein and Roger Ailes would indicate that times have not changed.

Despite the fact that anyone can be a victim of sexual harassment, regardless of gender, the harassers are usually male, and the victims are usually female.

Some males consider catcalling and whistling as a show of interest. As harmless as the gestures may seem to the males, these and other gestures are extremely context-sensitive.

How the gesture is interpreted can drastically change its meaning, even leading it to be taken as an attack. If done relentlessly without regard for the recipient’s feelings or mood, this is considered sexual harassment.

In order to avoid confusion or problems caused by such advances, women have one very simple answer: don’t do it. Rather than making gestures or comments off-the-cuff that may not be thought out, it is better to keep one’s comments to themselves or not to say anything at all.

It is also good to keep in mind that the recipient may not entirely enjoy such comments. Rather than using simple gestures or phrases that may be misinterpreted, being open with friends and peers can lead to healthier relationships.

“The best thing to do when it comes to interacting with [a] peer group is to be open,” Jenny Johannsen, school psychologist, said. “Having open conversations with friends and other students helps build trust and cooperation”