48 selected to cheer squad after tryouts
Cheer squad performed at an assembly on Sept. 9.
May 3, 2017
A total of 68 participants tried out, and 48 made it.
Cheerleading tryouts took place on Friday, March 24, and many girls agree that it was an end to a stressful week.
“Trying out was stressful because we only had two days to learn the material. But it was a really fun experience and I would definitely do it again,” Claire Miller, sophomore, said.
“We now have 14 freshmen, 11 members on JV and 23 girls on varsity,” Rachel Carroll, head coach, said.
In order to try out, participants had to attend the two clinics prior to the tryout day and learn the material needed to tryout that was taught primarily by current seniors on the squad. Participants also had to agree to make certain financial and time commitments along with maintaining a 2.5 grade point average.
The participants performed an entrance (spiriting in and/or tumbling), a series of jumps and the cheer individually. Then they performed the dance and chant as a group.
“The hardest thing about trying out for cheer was standing in front of the judges and having to remember the choreography and to do your best,” Dana Richards, freshman, said.
Although tryouts seemed to be both stressful and draining, many of the girls enjoyed the process and admitted to be willing to do it all again.
“It was a lot of fun because I got to try out with some of my friends. I would definitely do it again but unfortunately I’ll be a senior next year,” Ali Taege, junior, said.
Carroll and the assistant coaches Shania Shultz, Megan Alspaugh and Logan Keasling are looking forward to next year’s cheer squad.
“I’m looking forward to getting to know new girls on the squad and getting better and better,” Carroll said.
Varsity team will consist of the following juniors: Olivia Barbosa, Jamie Bortz, Morgan Johnson, Jillian Hayne, Hailey Lawrence, Aysiah Loving, Ashlyn Richards, Kaitlyn Skiles, Emma Sweany, Ali Taege, and Haidyn Whitley. As well as the sophomores: Shirley Alfaro, Audrey Henson, Kirsten Jackson, Alexis Keller, Lacie Martin, Claire Miller, Anna Peters, Laynie Peterson, Victoria Sysengrat, Alaina Urman and Malyssa Wethered.
Junior Varsity will consist of the following freshmen: Mayci Armstrong, Hannah Bauer, Paige Easton, Alexi Fisher, Elizabeth Hilton, Katie Kaldahl, Haven Myers, Crystal Nguyen, Dana Richards, Anna Stankiewicz and Malia Toomay.
The Freshman will consist of the following 8th graders: Addi Blum, Michael Jane Brady, Jillian Coleman, Grace Degraffenreid, Eva Garrett, Kylie Grant, Hailey Horton, Emme Jones, Anna Meganck, Anna Murphy, Sara Reed, Winnie Rice, Hannah Rodgers and Cameron Rollins.