There are many ways a person can express themselves. However, one of the most impactful and important ways of expression is music. Music not only has the ability to help people learn new things or help people express themselves but it can also bring people together.
Music has a different meaning to people. Senior Marin Janes believes that music has an impact on how people connect with each other.
“I think it brings people closer together,” Janes said. “If you share the same music, interest and music groups, then you bond over it and you can go to concerts together and can just talk about it.”
In learning about different people’s music tastes, Janes feels like she gets to learn more about that person.
“They have a bunch of stereotypes, like if you listen to certain artists, you’re a red flag or something like that,” Janes said.
There is a different importance to music for different people. Senior Matthew Gray feels like music is a part of who he is.
“For me personally, I listen to a lot of music daily, so it’s become a part of my routine,” Gray said. “So it influences how I act.”
Music can have an impact on people’s attitudes which can lead to change the way people interact with each other.
“If I listen to a good song at the beginning of the day, I get up in a good mood,” Gray said. “Listening to something else I don’t usually listen to, may bring my mood down.”
Connections don’t necessarily have to correlate with music because there are other ways to connect with people.
One of the biggest powers that music has is that it is able to bring people together from all around the world.
“You don’t have to know what someone’s saying to think that it sounds good,” Gray said. “It’s just a way to be able to have a shared emotion or shared feeling or shared experience.”
People sharing different music can create a connection and allow people to learn from each other. Freshman Charlotte Lafferty sees music as a way for people to learn from each other while not necessarily having to share the same music taste.
“There’s also some people that have completely different music tastes and they could still be best friends,” Lafferty said.
Music can help a person learn more about themselves and can help a person explore different emotions.
“I think for me it’s how it makes you feel because it can really start emotions,” Lafferty said.
People should be open to different music to be able to connect with different people and in some occasions start to like different genres of music.
How a person spends their time listening to music can be subjective to how expressive a person can be.
“If someone listens to more radio hits, I feel like they’re a little bit more basic than a normal person,” McAninch said. “But music is also a hobby, so listening to music can just show you that you just like listening to music.”
The meaning that music has on each person differs so the impact is different for each person.
“I think that music is subjective to each person, and sharing music that you like with somebody else can really bring you together,” McAninch said.
Many people tend to judge people based on what they listen to before even trying to understand the importance that the music has. So while trying to connect with people that share the same music taste it can also be good to try to learn about different genres.
“Never hate on anybody’s music tastes,” McAninch said. “People like what they like, and just because you like something different or dislike what they like doesn’t mean that you can talk down upon their music taste.”