Bucket List: Graduates advise underclassmen


Reagan Devinney and Rachel Pierson

In anticipation of senior year, many seniors create a list of items they wish to complete before graduation. Whether it is joining a new club, applying for scholarships or meeting new people, seniors have high expectations for the year to follow.

The newspaper asked freshman college students what they had wanted to accomplish during their senior year of high school.

Looking back on their last high school year, graduates felt as though getting their grades up was an important thing to do before graduating.

“I wish I would have kept my grades up and worked harder because it’s worth it when you get to school after graduating. The scholarships are a pain to fill out, but they’re worth it,” Taylor Grooms, class of 2015, said.

Out of the 10 graduates interviewed, half of them said that being more involved in clubs and in the school was something they wished to do before completing high school. “I wanted to be more involved and join more clubs,” Ashley Weigand, class of 2015, said.

The items that had not been completed from their bucket lists were things that many of the college students had regretted.

Many wanted to be able to spend more time with close friends and family, to thank their teachers, and to meet and get to know all of the people in their graduating class.

Kendall Stelting, class of 2015, said, “I wanted to hang out with my friends as much as possible and make memories that would last a lifetime.” Even though some had regrets, many felt that their senior year ended up how it was supposed to be.

“I think that I ended my high school career with how it was supposed to end. I stay in touch with the people that meant something to me,” Laiken Yerby, class of 2015, said.

Madeline Ahern, class of 2015, much like Yerby, felt the same way about her senior year.

“I’m pretty happy where I ended up. Going to college, you realize that a lot of the smaller things just don’t matter anymore,” Ahern said.

Whether it’s joining a club or raising grades, students  should make sure they have no regrets before graduating.