What do Michael Phelps and Wardle have in common?
Luke Wardle, senior, taking a quick break from practicing.
December 2, 2015
In the 2008 Olympics, Michael Phelps won eight gold medals for swimming. This achievement inspired Luke Wardle, senior, to take up swimming.
Wardle has been swimming since he was 2 years old and has been swimming competitively with the COOL (City of Olathe Lightning) Swim Team for eight years now; he also swims here.
For his club swim team, he swims just about every sprint race there is, and for South, he swims the 200-medley relay as the breaststroke leg, the 400-freestyle relay, the 200-individual medley, and the 100 breaststroke.
To prepare for a swim meet, his “commitment and focus in practice are essential for practice,” said Wardle.
Some awards he has won are Newcomer of the Year his freshman year, MVP his sophomore year, All Sunflower League Honorable Mention his sophomore and junior years, fourth place in the 100-yard breaststroke at Sunflower League his junior year and a varsity letter every year.
“Swimming always provides a stress release and a goal to try and achieve. It is good for practicing work-ethic and self-discipline,” Wardle said.
Wardle has decided to focus on his academics when he goes to college next year so he will not be swimming in college.