Hallmark movies have created controversy, especially during the holidays. These movies, many would say, are either really good or really bad; there is simply no middle. Many get bored watching more than one hallmark movie because it is easy to predict what is going to happen. Knowing what’s going to happen can be boring but hallmark movies make them worth watching. The simplicity and entertainment these movies give individuals adds value to hallmark movies in general.
The familiar aspect of each and every single hallmark movie is a comfort to many. When to others it can be boring knowing what’s going to happen is helpful to the rest. Having the story line remaining constant in every movie creates familiarity and comfort. Comfort is what we want while watching a movie. Individuals will receive that with a hallmark movie. Everything being predictable to the movie is also another plus added to hallmark movies.
It is also a guaranteed happy ending, like all the other movies, someone could watch and not know if the ending will be happy or not. With hallmark movies individuals will always know the ending, they will always be happy. Knowing the ending is going to be happy is a huge weight lifted off of someone’s shoulders. This makes hallmark movies the perfect movies to watch.
Don’t forget hallmark movies are still movies after all and with movies, viewers can forget their lives for a while and focus on somebody else’s life. A healthy dose of hallmark movie watching is good for the soul. These holiday movies get you in the spirit for the winter season making the holidays brighter.
The conflicts in each feel good romance or holiday movies add entertainment to the movie. Even if each movie’s plot is similar to each other, the conflicts that arise throughout each movie make it worth watching.
Not only is someone getting a good movie, they will be receiving so much more. Individuals who give hallmark movies a chance won’t be disappointed due to the comfort they’ll gain from the movies and from the entertainment they’ll receive.