What Is Dungeons and Dragons?

May 23, 2022
Created by Ernest Gary Gygax and David Arneson in 1974, Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) has since then gained so much traction that millions of people would watch live streams just to see others play it. It has created groups such as Critical Role, Acquisitions Incorporated, and Force Gray. There is even a show about Critical Roles popular campaign “The Legend of Vox Machina.” Here’s all you need to know in order to play.
In D&D there are two roles, Dungeon Master (D.M.) or a player. You have the most responsibility as a D.M. The D.M.’s job is to create a story that both you and the players can enjoy. The D.M. has to make compelling and balanced characters, create great world building, and administer items to help go through said world. The only downside is that the D.M. has to do a lot of planning in order to pull off a good story. If you want to be a D.M., make sure that you have a perfectly planned story and balanced characters. Otherwise, players would most likely not want to play in your campaign
Player is both the easier and beginner role. The player’s job is to make a good character and role play in the campaign. There are tons of resources that you can use to make a campaign, such as The Player’s Handbook, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, Eberron: Rising from the Last War, etc. If you don’t have the money for those books, you can always go to D&D Beyond.
D&D Beyond is a website that can help beginners build their characters. If you don’t own dice, Beyond also provides online dice rolling. To make a character you create an account, click on your username, and click characters. From there, you click the “Create A Character” box. You will then be led to a page with three boxes: “Standard,” “Quick Build” and “Randomize.” It is recommended that you press “Standard” if you are a beginner. Unless you know what type of campaign you’re going to be in, skipping the next page is preferable as it saves on time.
The next page gives you an option to choose a race. The race of your characters is important, as your race helps determine your stats. Once you choose a race, you will be given a description and you can proceed onto the next page. The next page asks for you to choose your class. Your class is as important as your race, it is used to help determine what numbers you should put in your stats.
After choosing a class, the next page gives you the ability to roll stats. If you want fun and balanced characters, click on the drop down box and click “Manuel/Rolled”. From there, press all of the “Roll” buttons. After that, put the numbers in the slots that correspond with your class. It is important to know that the higher the number in the Constitution, the higher your hp.
The next page is the “Background page.” This page is most important for the player because it is how you want your character to look and act. It is imperative that you describe the character, so that the D.M. knows what to expect. The last page is your starting equipment and gold. Your equipment consists mostly of weapons and essentials that you will use during the campaign. Depending on your class, what you choose can either help or hurt you. Gold is also important, as it is currency. You will use it to buy things.
After this, you’re done. You can click and view your character sheet and if you have a D.M., you can get started.
Dungeons and Dragons is a great game for children, teens, and adults. We even have a D&D club run by Honors Biology teacher Robin Dennis. It is in the 1208 classroom and it’s from 3:00 to 4:00. It’s great if you’re looking for an afterschool program. With enough recognition, it could become popular in school.