Student jobs this summer
May 17, 2022
As highschoolers, most of us have part time jobs. Especially in the summer, being the young adults we are, a lot of our peers will have summer jobs. I myself will be working three jobs. My current job I have now, which is being a student server at Tallgrass Creek. Tallgrass is an amazing job and I dearly love working there. If you are looking for a summer job, try and apply for a position at Tallgrass, which is a retirement home or any other jobs listed below. The next job I will be working at is admissions and concessions at a pool. I am hoping for Black Bob Bay and then I will be babysitting for some extra pocket money to have during the summer. I interviewed multiple people and asked what jobs they have and will be working this summer.
“I work at Price Chopper and I am working 20-25 hours a week over the summer and I get paid $12.10 an hour,” Junior Deborah Kelecha said.
Kelecha said she really likes her job and her co-workers make the job the most enjoyable. Another person who makes around $12 an hour is Junior Jenna Ginden.
“I work at the dentist my uncle owns, (Kahn Family Dentistry) and I work 2 hours a week and I will in the summer and I make $200 each week,” Ginden said. She hopes to be getting another job during the summer, for example at a restaurant or a store like Junior Mary Nganga.
“I work at Rally house and I make $12 an hour,” Nganga said.
A student who works at a food place is junior Kendall Redhage.
“I work at Fajita Pete’s and I work 10 hours ish a week, I don’t work that much. And then I make $10 an hour and I get tips,” Redhage said.
She will be working this job and also be working as a nanny this summer.
“I’m gonna be a lifeguard this summer at frontier trail pool and I’m gonna work about 35 hours a week and I’m getting $13 an hour,” Junior Elisa Giles said.
Last but not least, junior Natalie Ruff has a job at a boutique.
“I work at Teaella boutique and make $10 an hour and over the summer I’m gonna work 16 hours per week,” Ruff said.
If any of these said jobs peak your interest please look into them. And if any of these jobs didn’t peak your interest, here is a few more options that I know of that are short staffed and are looking to hire people: Cold Stone Creamery, Aqua Tots, Quick Trip, many stores at the mall, target and honestly due to the labor shortage, any place is really hiring at the moment. So, go out there and get that bag this summer!