The only things that change when you turn 16 and 18

Riley Story, Reporter

What actually happens when you turn 16? The day you turn 16, there are actually not a lot of things that happen. For one, you are legally allowed to work at almost any store or market and work at any restaurant full time. So you can basically work anywhere now, just a few places you can’t like automotive companies, some grills, and anything finance. If you have been in the food industry under 16 you are not legally allowed to work in the BOH (back of house). Aka grill. For second, at 16 you can get your restricted license, which means you can drive anywhere but you have a curfew; from 9pm to 5am you cannot have more than one friend in the car with you. Going to the store for your parents may be something that they want you to do, also driving yourself places instead of having to wait until your parents want to go, which can be annoying, and going to school and going to work. You can also drop out of school at this age with parental consent. That’s about it. 


What happens at 18 is a huge milestone in your life. You are now an adult. You can buy a lot of things on your own, including an apartment, a car, a house, book your own appointments and many more things. Well, to buy houses and cars you need good credit and since you will just be turning 18, you won’t likely have any credit history and you’ll most likely need a co-signer. You’re legally allowed to do anything without your parents consent, like go to parties, go to friends houses, have sleepovers and invite friends over, if you had your own place that is. If you’re still living with your parents you may still have to follow their rules. In Kansas, 17 is the legal age of driving anywhere with no restrictions at all, which is nice, especially since some of us graduate at 17 which is inconvenient since you’re technically not an adult yet, but you can go anywhere you want if you still live with your parents after graduating. Once you turn 18 and move out you can legally do anything without your parents.